One-on-one coaching for individuals

Bring your challenges and goals and Coach Matt will partner with you each step of the way.

We are your facilitator of change. We tear down emotional walls and break through mental barriers that hold clients back from living their best lives. We guide ambitious professionals like you who’ve tasted success and crave more from life — more freedom, more fulfillment, more experiences, and more advancement.

We break down big goals, shatter limiting beliefs, and craft personalized action plans that propel you forward. Ditch the rut, unleash your potential, and finally step into the life you deserve. Ready to build your bridge to extraordinary? Let’s start today.

Business Coach
Business Coach
Business Coach

Trusted by Ambitious Talent

Accountability Coaching
Accountability Coaching
Business Growth Strategies

"I know what my goals are. I'm just having trouble making progress."

Common problems that cause people to seek coaching:
Getting Started is Easy and Comfortable

Every Client is Unique and So is Their Path to Success

Curiosity and Learning

Our first call is about you; your questions, your goals, and how coaching can best serve you.


We take the time to understand the different pain points you have today, implement our 4-step process of change, and tap into your strengths to flourish at work and in life

Custom Options

Depending on the program chosen, most clients meet weekly for 30 minutes via phone or video; for special tools and techniques, some sessions may be longer.

what makes us different

We work together to establish your goals and expectations. Each session is defined by your agenda and priorities and you define what accountability looks like for you.

Working with Matt has been informative, inspiring and helpful. Matt has incredible listening and retention skills and is able to give back meaningful and direct advice. His advice is steeped in experience and is always on point and practical. His thoughtful insight and mentoring has helped me manage my business more effectively and I felt his support and his genuine interest in my success. Matt is a great coach!

Career Growth Coaching

In just a short time working together, I have found myself immediately comfortable with Matt. He has a gift for holding you accountable without judgement and being a compassionate listener. In his own thoughtful way, he provides astute reflections and subtle guidance. Before you know it...presto! You've had a few aha moments that you can now turn into actionable strategies. I'm so grateful to have him in my corner.


As an executive, I've always been driven to succeed. However, I found myself stuck in a rut, unable to break through some of my own limiting beliefs. Matt helped me identify these patterns and beliefs, release them and it has freed me to have conversations with my team that previously made me uncomfortable. This shift in mindset has been huge for me as a people leader and I'm grateful for Matt's guidance and support.

Transformational Coaching

As a team leader, I knew I needed to improve my communication and motivational skills. Matt's Energy Leadership Index assessment helped me to identify my strengths and weaknesses, and provided me with actionable strategies to enhance my leadership style. I've seen a significant improvement in my team's morale and productivity, and I'm grateful for Matt's expertise in this area.

Accountability Coaching

I'm not one to sit around and wait for things to happen. I want to take action and see results. Matt's coaching style is perfectly aligned with my approach. He doesn't just talk theory; he provides practical tools and techniques that I can implement immediately. With a mental shift and a few tactical changes, I've already made significant progress towards my goals, and I'm confident that with Matt's support, I can achieve anything I set my mind to.

Accountability Coaching
Client Testimonials

Client success stories are the foundation of our business.

It’s with gratitude and great appreciation that we joyously receive such positive feedback from clients. Creating breakthroughs, destroying negative beliefs, and uncovering those personal ah-ha’s are what it’s all about for us. Thank you for trusting us and for inspiring us to reach new heights together.

Online Business Coaching
The 4 Requisites of Change

Transformational Coaching Experience

Did you know 70% of business transformations fail due to internal resistance? Here we outline the 4 requisites for change that crack this code — helping you navigate mindset, intention, and action with purpose and momentum. Build the future you envision, one empowered step at a time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can a business coach help me achieve my professional goals?

Depending on the goals you define and what is currently holding you back, we have a variety of proven tools and techniques to ensure you meet or exceed those goals.

What is the typical coaching process like?

The typical coaching process is as unique as our clients. We do our best to keep it fun, as you increase clarity and awareness around your life and the chosen topic of coaching. However, we view coaching as an investment in your growth and development and we take that seriously.

What types of professional goals can a coach help me with?

A certified professional coach can help you with any goal. We always start with a conversation about why that goal is important and then we follow a framework for defining specific goals. And part of our process at Matt Fitts Coaching that’s different from many others, we have a powerful visualization exercise that we do with goals to program your subconscious mind.

How do I know if I'm a good fit for coaching?

If you are searching for answers online to help grow in an area in your life, it probably makes sense to have a discovery call with us. Coaching is for people wanting to grow and develop in one facet or more of their lives. The discovery call allows you to ask the questions you want and to learn if we are a good fit to work together. There’s no cost for that call — here’s the link:

How much does business coaching cost?

Pricing depends on the level of engagement selected. Like all of your business investments, we expect coaching to provide an ROI (Return on Investment). Most clients are looking for a combination of the following, but not limited to: higher income, less stress, more free time, improved levels of satisfaction (work or personal), and many other non-monetary benefits.

Can a coach help me overcome career imposter syndrome?

Absolutely! Often this is associated with some form of external evidence of success and countered with negative thoughts or beliefs. There’s no single-solution approach, so we always start with curiosity and learn from there.

How can I improve my leadership skills through coaching?

Often times, individuals or their managers identify strengths and opportunities for growth. A good coach can help create clarity and awareness around the opportunities and together establish a path to further develop the chosen skills.

I need help navigating a difficult workplace situation. Can a coach help?

Definitely! We have a number of tools available to work through complex problems, especially problems that are often mired in emotionally charged energy.

I'm considering a career change. Can a coach help me with this transition?

Yes! Career change and change management in general can be a complex process for many, as we all process change differently. These can be very fun experiences and we love helping people through significant changes.

I'm a solopreneur struggling with work-life balance. Can a coach help me manage this?

For sure! This is one of the most common reasons we hear when people seek out business coaching. As solopreneurs ourselves, we understand first-hand the common challenges and as certified business coaches, we have the tools to help you define and find that work-life balance you seek.
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Business Growth Strategies
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